American Tire and Service
4520 Arrowhead Ridge Drive, Rio Rancho, NM 87124 505.891.8951

Engine and Exhaust

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The “Man-Made” Engine Oil (Synthetic Oil Change)

If you own a newer vehicle, your vehicle’s manufacturer may require that it use synthetic oil instead of conventional oil.  Synthetic oils are more stable, don’t break down as easily,...
Published on: Feb 23, 2025

Motor Oil—The Synthetic Advantage (Synthetic oil vs Conventional)

You’ve probably already heard that regular oil changes are extremely important for the health of your vehicle’s engine. That’s sound advice.  But what you might not know is when...
Published on: Jan 12, 2025

Oil Change

An oil change:  Sounds simple, but there’s some important things to know about preventing oil sludge. Oil eventually starts to turn into jelly.  Literally – petroleum jelly.&nbs...
Published on: Oct 03, 2022

American Tire and Service Tip: Use The Correct Fluids In Your Vehicle

Big advances in automotive technology have led to the development of high-tech fluids to keep pace.  A simple example of this is the cooling system.  For decades it was primarily made from i...
Published on: Dec 27, 2021

Oil Change

An oil change at your local Rio Rancho, NM, auto shop sounds simple, but there are some pretty important things to know about preventing oil sludge.Oil eventually starts to turn into jelly, literally:...
Published on: May 30, 2021

The Maintenance Mindset: Full-Service Oil Change At American Tire and Service

{{ image('MzIx') }} people generally accept that many things in life require regular maintenance: their teeth, clothes, yards and so on, but people in NM often don't apply the idea of maintenance to...
Published on: Jun 30, 2020

Oil Filter

As your engine runs, dirt gets into the oil.  Oil sludge can also start to build up.  Fortunately, motor oil contains detergents that clean the engine and gather up contaminates.  The o...
Published on: Nov 26, 2019

The Maintenance Mindset For Rio Rancho Drivers

{{ image('MzA0') }} In Rio Rancho, we know we need to take care of our cars, but it just seems really hard to remember to do it. We generally accept that many things in life require regular maintenan...
Published on: Oct 13, 2019